Excursions: Meatballs, Anyone?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brooklyn never ceases to amaze me. Well actually, Bedford Ave never ceases to amaze me. I had the biggest craving for BBQ last weekend and after making the treck all the way down to Berry St. to realize that the place didn't even open for lunch, Brian and I realized that The Meatball Shop wasn't exactly what you'd call a bad back up plan. At all. Hit the jump for pictures of what the menu is telling you I got. The checkmarks on the menu are my order. Yes, I got a meatball hero and a slider on the side. Judge me.

The images you are about to see are of some of the most delicious sandwiches ever made by man. It will make you crave a meatball sub. Viewer discretion is advised.

After I took the picture, I realized the hostess was staring at me right in the face. Whoops.

Daily Specials at The Meatball Shop

Oh, hey there.
Official member of The Clean Plate Club

Now to explain the glorious above. The "special" meatball of the day was a pizza meatball made of delicious meats that are typically on a pizza -- or at least thats what the waitress told me -- mixed with cheese and oregano or something, but I'm pretty sure I didn't even let her finish telling me what it was. I knew I wanted it and I got it. That sandwich was hands down the best meatball sub I've ever had and I don't ever want another one if it's not from The Meatball Shop. The slider was absurd, too. A spicy pork meatball with parmesan cream sause? Stop it. Just stop. The food was so good and even though I gained about 13lb after lunch, I didn't even feel bad about it. And after that ridiculous meal, the waitress had the audacity to ask us if we wanted desert. So obviously we ordered one of their famous homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches: vanilla ice cream stuck between a snicker doodle and chocolate chip cookie. I didn't feel the need to show you all proof that we finished it. As of right now, The Meatball Shop is my favorite restaurant in Brooklyn and I'm not afraid to say it. Plus, their sign outside was really clever so they won me over with that too.

For more info on The Meatball Shop including directions and yummy recipes click here!


  1. food looks delicious! xx


  2. like your blog!!
    keep posting and go for it!!



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