Dear All...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Finals season has come upon us. I am a couple of papers and exams away from a fun-filled summer of blogging, interning, working, and living in NYC. Please pardon my absence.

Fashion Feature: The Brooklyn Circus

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oooh, yet another Fashion Feature. This is turning out wonderfully. 

Remember that time I said I didn't do men's fashion? That was before I found The Brooklyn Circus. This place is the epitome of men's vintage fashion done right and I am a huge fan of their style. My clever self made a little funny joke on Twitter when I formally introduced myself, and I got a little response. Needless to say, I felt awesome.

Hit the jump for my favorite styles and a little story about a circus in Brooklyn.

RTB '12 Update

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Although this poster looks quite similar to the first one I posted, they are completely different. If you don't see how different they are you are blind. For those of you who are blind, the countdown to the release of the Rock the Bells '12 line up has officially begun! Performers, dates, and locations will be revealed at the Launch Party on May 8th!

Tupac Lives

Monday, April 16, 2012

 Call it a hologram, call it technology. I call it a conspiracy revealed. Tupac is alive and he performed at Coachella, and here is the video to prove it.

Song of the Day: Babblin'

"When I'm babblin', we travelling, we can take our time..."

I don't have too much to say about this Song of the Day by Stalley except that it is the perfect kind of song with the perfect kind of beat for such a warm day like today. Enjoy.

Look What We Got...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's a new camera!! A Nikon D3100 to be exact. Brian and I went in together and bought ourselves something nice and something to call our own. It's kind of like we have a new puppy together, but its actually camera. I guess you could say its kind of ironic, in a hipster-y kind of way. But apparently I throw the word "hipster" around way too carelessly, so owning this camera together like we would a puppy is just cool...and totally not hipster.

But we named her Daisy after Daisy Buchannan. So call that what you want.

Look out for high-quality & blog worthy pictures! 

Fashion Feature: ACCESSORIES!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

I'm pretty much obsessing over anything accessory related at the moment -- rings, earrings, bracelets, hair clips, necklaces...anything. "RINGS!!!" has been on my shopping list for about a month now and the only reason I don't have more "RINGS!!!" is because I always seem to be distracted by the clothes at Madewell and J. Crew, which ends with me not buying anything at all because all I want are the clothes. Ever since I was little, my mom has been the jewelry queen, with bracelets and rings all over her hands and arms, and I've always been just like her. There are pictures of me at like 9 years old with 4 bracelets on 1 arm, 3 on the other, and 2 necklaces on (while playing tennis, mind you); although my taste is not as busy as it used to be, I still love having bracelets and different necklaces and earrings on for each outfit I wear that day. Here are some accessories that have made me write "RINGS!!!"on my shopping list, among other things!

Rings via

Necklace at Brooklyn Flea Market
Brooklyn Flea Market

Brooklyn Flea Market

HOOT Mag Spring/Summer Issue!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just click the link and explore Columbia's student-run fashion & lifestyle magazine! The article "Is Fashion Serious?" By The Wall Street Journal's Fashion Columnist Christina Birkley is really interesting and should definitely be read.

I'm so glad I figured out how to get this on here because I was wondering if I could even do it or not. Enjoy!

Song of the Day: Stormy Weather

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post #100! Dedicated to the late Lena Horne

It may not have counted for anything in terms of my major or the core curriculum, but History of African American Music was one of the best classes I've taken at Columbia. I loved that class and I learned so much from it. One particular song I heard in that class, Stormy Weather by the late Lena Horne, is one of my most favorite songs ever. She had an amazing voice and every time i listen to this song I feel completely at peace. This clip is from the 1943 movie "Stormy Weather" which features other greats such as Katherine Dunham and Cab Calloway and is one of those classic musicals that everyone needs to see. Not surprisingly, this also a great song to listen to on a rainy day -- it's just so appropriate you know?

Fashion Feature: APC

Once again, thanks to Brian for finding this amazing boutique on one of his many outings around the city. This french boutique has stores in 27 countries around the world including ours (thank God)! There are 4 stores in California and 3 in NYC so whoever is around the East or West Coast, go find A.P.C ASAP -- see what I did there?

RTB '12

The first poster has arrived. I will most likely be doing regular updates on anything Rock the Bells related, since attending this event was one of the greatest moments in my life. I legitimately mean that. Look out for future dates, lineups, and perhaps a video or two of what I got to see last year. RTB '12!!

Sidenote for Your Mind

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1. It's almost TheFancyClown's 6th monthaversary and it has over 1500 page views (or more, not really sure)
2. We're almost at 100 blog posts (like 97, I think...yay!)
3. Thanks to my last post, humans of new york followed me on twitter (thanks for the follow!)
4. I'm now using bloglovin so you should totally follow me.


5. I may or may not have found an apartment for the summer!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Just a quick update. That is all!

Humans of New York

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thanks to my roommate, I've found yet another way to procrastinate for hours on end. This Facebook page, Humans of New York  has a bunch of pictures of random and interesting people around New York City, and I have to say that none of this surprises me. It just makes me love this place 100x more. Here are some of my favorite pictures that I've seen lately. Also, the captions can really make the picture, so I'll add those in too. 

Paradoxically, the loudest personas often belong to the most soft-spoken people.

These gas prices are out of control.
When I was taking this photo, someone walked behind me and said: "God that is so Brooklyn." 
"What are you reading?"
"It's a philosophy book."
"Are you a philosophy student?"

"You wanna go to a protest?"

Hootmag Blogpost

I told you how I was writing a blog post for our school's fashion & lifestyle blog right? Well here's the post! You guys can check it out if you please. Click "hootblog" to get to my post, and feel free to browse around the blog!

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