Healthy Eggplant Lasagna Recipe

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I actually waited for Daisy this time.

I gotta say, I'm on a roll with this homemade recipe stuff. Here's another recipe I kind of created on my own, based on the cheese mixture recipe I used for the Turkey Casserole I posted a few days ago: No-noodle Eggplant Lasagna. It's 100% PN friendly and so unbelievably good (I have no problem tooting my own horn. It was that good). Who knew cottage cheese could actually not taste like the throw up it resembles? I used my parents as guinea pigs since this was the first time I made this, and turns out they thought it was amazing. I plan on adding more veggies to the tomato sauce next time I make this, like spinach and onions. They tried to eat the whole thing but I needed leftovers for lunch today...totally reasonable. Hit the jump for the recipe and more pics!

FNO '12 Preview

Monday, August 20, 2012

Granted, I'm a little late on posting this, but would I be me if I wasn't? Anywho, Fashion's Night Out events are up!! My friends and I have already started planning on where we're going. So far on the list? BCBG (duh), alice + olivia, Lord & Taylor, Saks, and Cole Haan. Looks like we've got a lot of walking to do. This is all of our first time at FNO so be on the look out for a future post on the night!

Defying Gravity: Phillipe Ramette

I love this artist. His work is absolutely ridiculous. It kind of reminds me of those insane Hugo Boss advertisements, except these are actually physically impossible. What got me was that his work isn't even Photoshopped -- he has hidden metal supports he calls "sculpture-structures". I may love him even more because he's French, which kind of makes me biased. But I don't care. 
Check out his 2009 interview with The Guardian here!

Homemade Ground Turkey Casserole with Recipe!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Obviously, taken with my iPhone. I was too excited to eat to wait for Daisy.
That's better.
Finally, a food post with a recipe of my own. Well, almost of my own. This summer, Brian and I started a new eating lifestyle (sounds so much better than diet) called the Precision Nutrition System and I legitimately swear by it because it actually works. We got the Gourmet Nutrition Cookbook which had a Turkey Sausage Casserole recipe that caught my attention. Here's where the whole "my recipe" thing comes in: the recipe calls for zucchini, mushrooms, and 2 whole cups of cottage cheese but since I actually hate all of those things, I improvised a little and the outcome was ridiculously good. Hit the jump for my improvised recipe!

Where in the World...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

...did I go? I feel like I've written this post 1000 times. Apologizing after disappearing for a couple of weeks but not really having much of an excuse for it. Well...okay I'm not going to say I've had some miraculous epiphany and I have vowed to change my ways. Chances are I'm probably going to do it again in the future. At least for now I can say I've been gone for the followng reasons:

1. As mentioned in the post immediately following (or preceding, depending on how you look at it) this one, Brian's birthday weekend was a little hectic (3 music events + dinner) but I will be sure to update you all on that.

2. I may have forgotten to release this interesting news but I broke my pinky last month/ got surgery on it and I just got my hand cast off last week. The freedom was a little overwhelming.

3. I went home for the weekend and pretty much vegetated and let my mom do my laundry for me like any other 20 year old college student does.

4. I live in New York City. It's hard to keep up man!

All in all, I apologize for yet another absence of posting on here. I (actually) plan on recording these last few days of my summer in the city, as well as my thoughts and feelings about...stuff. If you haven't forgiven me yet, here's a picture of two puppies playing in grass.

YAY for puppies and forgiveness!

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