A Feminine Poem by Rakim

Friday, January 20, 2012

Okay, a poem written in feminine rhyme...by Rakim. Whatever.

A couple of summers ago, my parents, aunt, and I went to D.C to visit my sister's apartment and she took us to one of the coolest restaurant/cafe type places I had ever been to: Busboys and Poets. We were only there for lunch (I'm actually really mad that I can't remember what I ate...I remember loving it and I would have loved telling you people about it) but everything from the menus to the waiters made it clear that there was a poetic vibe going on. Actually, this particular poem by Rakim was actually on the menu, but with good reason since it's a poetry cafe. There are tons of different poems all over the menu by artists like Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes, which is a good little distraction for people who are incapable of choosing anything to eat at restaurants like me. Basically, this place is a little bit like the Nuyorican Poet's Cafe in Lower Eastside NYC but with food and more alcohol. I know this because I'm pretty sure someone around us ordred a mint mojito or something. As for Rakim's poem, well the man is just a genius so I support what he does and apparently so does Busboys and Poets.

 For more info on Busboys and Poets, click here

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