The Art of Collecting: Crate Diggin'

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In my opinion, record collecting is a culture. A culture that preserves the best that history has to offer to the new generation and the generations to come. I can't really speak for everyone, but I think that music today is incomparable to the music of the vinyl age. Remember when you would be listening to music in the car, and your parents would say something like "I don't understand you kids and your music today", and then mumble quietly to themselves? And all he while you're thinking about the Fresh Prince's "Parent's Just Don't Understand" song and agreeing with every word? Well, I think I'm gonna side with dad on this one.

When I hear a song on the radio honestly think that I've heard it before strictly based on the words and tune alone, and it came out an hour ago, there is a problem. It's sad to think that music today is based on what's going to sell and not how the artist feels about it or the message the artist is trying to give out to their fans. Take Lupe Fiacso for example. Sorry "Lasers" fans. Lupe hated it. He said himself that the album did not in any way come out the way he wanted it to, and that his record label basically took control of it and came up with the songs you hear on the radio today. But I digress. Back to the whole record collection thing.

All I'm saying is, preserving art through vinyl collecting is like reviving a golden age, like really trying to keep it alive. It's an art and a culture...and let's be honest − it's too fun to come across that one album you've been looking all over for. Now, do I have a record collection? Sort of. Technically it's my boyfriend's (he's a producer and actually works with them). But I like to claim the collection every once in a while since we go digging together. So next time you're looking for a hobby, try record digging. (Insert witty cliche ending on the surprises you'll find when record digging)

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