Excursions: The Village Quarter

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I mean, come on. You know you want to know more about this place.
Hit the jump for Smoked Tomato Bisque, Bacon-wrapped Mushrooms and more...

Pictures of those, that is.

Raw, Vegan, Gluten (and Guilt) - Free Lemon Squares!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The origin of these dormmade deserts actually comes from a relatively unhealthy obsession with Hail Merry Miracle Tarts, particularly the Coconut Vanilla Creme tarts. These tarts are completely raw (no baking required!), vegan, gluten free, and most importantly, PN compliant and an "Anytime" desert. I refuse to attempt to talk about their greatness to avoid any sort of disrespect by not speaking nearly highly enough of them. After scouring the Internet of any kind of recipe for Coconut Vanilla Creme knockoffs, I came across Domestic Diva's version of the Lemon tart knockoffs.
Close enough.
Calling for ingredients that can be found at any Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and no baking necessary, this recipe is practically handmade for college students looking for a way to stress eat and avoid its horrific consequences (Freshman 15, Sophomore Slump...you get it). Hit the jump for pictures of my makeshift kitchen counter top and the recipe!

Happy Birthday Ms. Badu

Keep doing what you do.

A Night at the Oscars '13

Monday, February 25, 2013

Seth McFarlane opens the ceremony with several performances, such as "Be Our Guest". 
Channing Tatum and Charlize Theron auditioning for Dancing with the Stars. 
JGL, Seth and Harry casually dancing together at the Oscars.  
Christoph Waltz wins Best Supporting Actor for Django Unchained. As he should have.
Catherine Zeta-Jones performing "All That Jazz" from Chicago.
Jennifer Hudson being a boss. You're gonna loooooove...maaaay. 
The Greatest Performance at the Oscars. Vive la France.
Anne Hathaway winning for Les Mis. My heart melted during her entire speech. 
Adele performing her Academy Award-winning song, Skyfall
Chasing Ice up for an Oscar in Best Original Song. Watch the documentary!
Pre-tears and always winning hearts: Adele for Best Original Song.
Ang Lee for Best Director in Life of Pi. 
Only Jennifer Lawrence can make winning Best Actress look so graceful. 
Daniel Day Lewis/Abraham Lincoln for Best Actor in Lincoln.
MObama herself announcing the award for Best Picture.
And Argo wins Best Picture! Too bad I didn't see it...

As we all already know, last night was the 85th Academy Awards at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. In retrospect, I really wish I saw more of the movies that were up for an Oscar, such as Lincoln, Argo, or Beasts of the Southern Wild. I did, however, get the chance to see amazing movies like Les Miserables and Django Unchained, and I was so excited to see them take home some awards. Speaking of Django...poor Leo. *pours out some champagne on the floor*. To me, this was the funniest and one of my favorite Oscar ceremonies I've seen; Seth McFarlane was hysterical and completely
crude/inappropriate -- obviously I loved every second of it. These pictures are some of my favorite award winners/moments from last night's ceremony. While I'm beyond thrilled that Adele both performed and won best original song for Skyfall, I was so happy to hear that Chasing Ice was in the same category. I watched it at the Lincoln Center movie theater with Brian last semester and it was the best documentary I've ever seen (ignoring the fact that my "Last Seen Documentary" list is rather small). My favorite part of the show: the Les Miserables performance. How do I know it was my favorite? I couldn't help but scream "Vive la France!" at my TV and weirdly want to pick up a history book on the French Revolution. And I couldn't care less about the French Revolution.

...Vive la France!

Song of the Day: Together on Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 14, 2013

This is my one I'm-in-a-relationship-so-I-actually-really-love-Valentine's-Day moment and I'm going to take full advantage of it with today's Song of the Day. I love this song so much, and what better day to post it than on a day where you should be spending it with someone (or people!) you really care about. As cheesy as that last sentence was, I really mean it! Valentine's Day isn't just for couples, so remember to spend some time with some really special people in your life. As for me, I'm lucky enough to have 2 Valentine's Day dinners: one with my amazing team whom I adore, and one with my special guy. I realize how fortunate I am and I fully appreciate the good things and good people I have in my life. But just in terms of this post --just this one time on this one day-- I'm dedicating today's Song of the Day to my amazing boyfriend, Brian (I love you! :) ).

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Song of the Day: Struttin' with FlyLo

Monday, February 4, 2013

It's not Sunday or Wednesday. I realize I'm behind and this is the last time im mentioning it. 

For the life of me, I really can't figure out why it's taken me this long to post about Flying Lotus, being that he is probably one of my new favorite artists right now. After completely falling in love with his last album, Cosmogramma (which I will also probably post about sometime in the near future), I impatiently waited for his new album to release. Although I was already sold with the music, it wasn't until I watched this short film when I realized that FlyLo is actually a heavily underrated creative genius. Honestly, this short film is probably one of the best short films I've ever seen, from a creative standpoint. But I'll let you be the judge of that. What isn't up for debate, though, is the fact that this is one of the best instrumental albums, if not THE best, of 2012. I really feel like Until the Quiet Comes is what electronic music should sound like. One of my favorite songs off the album is "Putty Boy Strut" and seeing how weird the music video for it only made me love it more. If you don't even feel like watching the video, it's totally fine. Just listen to it and do something else. I guarantee you will still notice the greatness. 

Be like me. Buy the album. Support greatness.

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